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Have a Growing Business?

A successful business is a growing business. Growth means more employees, more office space, and more company assets. Along with this growth in headcount comes new logistical challenges. When meeting rooms are unavailable, employees are unable to use their time efficiently. Not having access to the correct devices to conduct a meeting can be frustrating and appear unprofessional. The dashboard below was developed by Axis Group and is able to track usage and ensures availability of these resources.


room scorecard@2x


How Axis Group Helped

The Dashboard has a clean layout with high-level KPIs at the top of the page. Color is used strategically throughout the report. Red means that a problem has occurred: a room was reserved but not used, or was used without being properly reserved. Blue denotes usage of an asset. Different shades of blue are used to draw other comparisons in the report such as scheduled vs actual usage, or representing usage frequency.

The dashboard uses many different chart types to convey information. A stacked bar chart displays the % of meetings that were no-shows. A heatmap shows the utilization comparison of each device type and each room. A line chart demonstrates the ratio of device usage that occurred within scheduled meetings. In addition to total utilization, time dimensions are also represented in the dashboard. Issues reported within each room are expressed over time via a line chart. Finally, a visual representation of upcoming room schedules by hour gives the user a good overview of room availability.


Summarized Points:

  • Seven different types of charts illustrate a wide variety of comparisons
  • Color is used effectively to make problem areas stand out
  • The dashboard gives the user a sense of both ‘when’ and ‘where’ problems are occurring
The Contributors:

ManasviManasvi has a Master’s degree in Human-Computer Interaction from Georgia Tech with a background in Interactive Computing. Manasvi's design philosophy is rooted in research and rapid prototyping. “Fail early and fail often” is her motto. Manasvi enjoys discovering and sharing new articles and podcasts on design, as well cute animal GIFs for when you need a pick-me-up.



Liza George has a Master’s degree in Human-Computer Interaction from Georgia Tech with a background in architecture. She enjoys all forms of design, from buildings to screens. Liza likes reading, kickboxing and playing video games in her free time.


philip-picturePhilip Rembert is an Industrial Engineer from Georgia Tech. He began his career in a rotational program working in Atlanta. After learning several positions, he discovered Business Intelligence and has happily stuck with it since. He enjoys helping others solve problems and discovering the stories behind data. When he isn’t working with data, he is an avid board game and card game player.