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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Data Literacy But Were Afraid to Ask

According to Gartner (2020), by 2023 data literacy will become an explicit and necessary driver of business value, demonstrated by its formal inclusion in over 80% of data and analytics strategies and change management programs. Axis Group understands this and delivers our comprehensive Enterprise Data Literacy Program enabling and empowering employees to make data-informed decisions that lead to better business outcomes.

Watch the following short videos, featuring Axis Group’s Chief Product Officer Jerry DiMaso, as he answers questions about how to achieve data literacy within your organization.

How Do I Get Started?

To determine where to start you need to assess the current state of your team or organization. In the first video of this series, Jerry provides easy ways to evaluate how data literate your people are right now.


How Do I Get Management Support?

To gain support and executive buy-in to implement a data literacy program, you may need to create a business case to convince management that it is needed. In this video, Jerry shares details about the benefits and impacts that stem directly from improving data literacy across the enterprise.


What's Involved in This Kind of Program?

Enterprise data literacy initiatives are multi-modal and require different kinds of activities to align with your company’s maturity. In the next video, Jerry discusses what these activities are and he describes how the Axis Group approach is unique.


Is My Company Ready?

Implementing a data literacy initiative may seem overwhelming. You may wonder if your company is even ready. In this video, Jerry explains why it’s important to start on your data literacy journey today.


Who Needs to Become Data Literate?

As Jerry mentions, one of the direct benefits companies with data literacy programs see is higher revenue. Every company wants to grow revenues and one sure way to do this is to ensure everyone at your company is data literate, not just a few technical people. In this video, Jerry explains the difference between individual and enterprise data literacy.


Axis Group Can Help You Achieve Enterprise Data Literacy

Have more questions? We have answers! Schedule a FREE Discovery Session here.

With more than two decades of data and analytics experience, Axis Group has successfully delivered lasting change to organizations across a variety of industries, impacting more than 50,000 employees. Through our Enterprise Data Literacy Program, Axis Group strives to fulfill a vision of enabling every employee to make data-informed decisions. Axis Group is the Enablement® company.

Related links: Data Literacy Success | Axis Group