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Is Your Company Suffering from Fraud?

The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners found that the typical organization lost 5% of their revenues to fraud each year. Even if you are affected, it can be hard to know. The average fraud scheme occurs for over 18 months before detected. Proactively detecting fraud means recognizing warning signs as soon as soon as they exist.

How Axis Group Helped

Being data-driven is your best defense.

Axis Group developed a fraud detection dashboard that quickly and effectively pinpoints trouble areas to the user. Mini-trend bar charts compare the current year’s fraud alerts to the previous three years. Subtle use of color makes the current year stand out, and only labeling the current year’s value gives the chart a clean look. After being drawn in by red quantity of flagged employees, the user sees details for each employee with a duplicate name, no SSN, or duplicate bank account.

The Organization structure dendrogram is also great advanced visuals that answers several questions. The red circles display where Potential Ghost Employees are within the org chart and the yellow circles alert the user to employees with higher-than-anticipated pay. Beyond the colored flags, this chart holds a wealth of information pertaining to org chart structure, proposed salary ratios, and where flagged employees are located.

Summarized Points:
  • Use color to draw your user’s eye to the important elements
  • Limit the non-data ink
  • Get Creative – Dashboards can include advanced visuals (ie. the dendogram) when deployed properly.
The Contributors:

Gen is our in-house pixel-perfect precision master. While enjoying strategic and analytical thinking, he also pays attention to every detail. He is a UX Designer at Axis Group who received his Masters Degree in Industrial Design from the Georgia Institute of Technology. He enjoys working on the design team and loved building this fraud detection app with his co-workers (Manasvi and Liza).

Philip Rembert is an Industrial Engineer from Georgia Tech. He began his career in a rotational program working in Atlanta. After learning several positions, he discovered Business Intelligence and has happily stuck with it since. He enjoys helping others solve problems and discovering the stories behind data. When he isn’t working with data, he is an avid board game and card game player.

Association of Certified Fraud Examiners "Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud and Abuse", Accessed 1 February 2018.